Who We Are

Supercart was founded in South Africa, where the brand established itself by making high quality and attractive products in the local region for the local market. Supercart Australia is an extension of that ethos – we’ve established our own manufacturing right here in Australia where we’ve tailored our product range for the uniquely Australian environment.

Supercart Australia team photo, left to right: Rhu, Sally, and Theodoor.

Reducing Our Footprint

Part of our journey in adapting our product to the Australian market has resulted in a significant reduction in our material footprint. In an effort to reduce plastic pollution and address the recycling challenges facing Australia, we’re using Australian recycled plastic to manufacture our trolleys.

It’s a great outcome for everyone, with the equivalent of 74 2L milk bottles for the Mini and 152 2L milk bottles for the Mid worth of recycled plastic being used. More importantly, we’re not simply recycling plastic, we’re upcycling.

Supercart Australia Hybrid Shopping Trolleys filled with empty milk bottles

Recycling Vs Upcycling

When a product is recycled, it is used again in the same or equivalent product. A milk bottle becomes another milk bottle. When a product is upcycled, it is used in a product of higher value such as in our case where a milk bottle becomes a shopping trolley. A milk bottle is designed to be used once before it is recycled, but our trolleys are used for many years before parts might need replacing and in that time they’ll cart a lot more milk than a bottle can!

Recycling vs upcycling comparison infographic

We’re all part of the solution

Growing population and consumption is fueling a waste crisis and it can only be solved when everyone works together from individuals sorting their waste at home to governments creating legislation, infrastructure and services. In addition to our ongoing commitment to recycling and local manufacture, our highly visible product serves as an inspirational message to the broader community.

Individual action = global solution

It’s easy to get disheartened by the small impact of an individual contribution, but when every individual makes a positive change the cumulative effect is huge. Whilst we tend to focus on the recycling aspect of our product, we recognise the flow on effects from our local manufacturing which supports the local recycling industry, whilst also reducing our carbon footprint because we’re not sending as much stuff, as far.

Our commitment

We’re passionate about making good products, and we’re going to continue to innovate wherever we can. Part of that innovation will be through our ongoing commitment to sustainability as a recycling ambassador, or through reducing our environmental footprint.